Opening hours Monday - Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Overseas clients
Since 1996 we have welcomed a number of clients from Europe and the United States of America, but this always entailed visits to the UK for measuring and fitting of footwear. We are pleased to say we can now make footwear without the need to visit the UK.
We post out a client pack which includes a 'plantar surface impression box' so that we can get the exact shape of your foot, and a leaflet explain the measures you need to provide of your foot. We also ask you to send in photographs of your feet so that we can get a better picture of your problems.
With that information we can make shoes and boots for you that will help with your mobility.
Deposits and Cancellations
A deposit of 50% of the agreed cost is payable before work commences, with the balance to be paid after the footwear is fitted and before completion.
If at any time you wish to cancel your order before completion of the footwear, you will be required to pay for all the work done to the cancellation date.
All invoices are calculated in £ sterling and payments should be converted into £ sterling at the rate on the date of payment. The client will be liable to pay any international bank charges for transactions relating to the account.
Additional Items
The client will be liable for all duties payable on carriage both into and out of the United Kingdom.
The Process
In the first instance we need to find outt about your feet, so we send out a specialist 'self-measure' pack which contains instruction on how to measure your feert, and a foam box for you to stand in giving us the shape of the bottom of your feet. This, along with photographs is usually sufficient for us to make the 'lasts' which are the moulds of your feet.
For more complicated you will need to have someone take a plaster of Paris mould of your feet, or someone with a scanner to take a scan of your feet. (We are in the process of making a video explaining this process).
When the footwear is part-made, we send it out to you to try on at home, we then set up a video call to discuss any changes which are needed, and to look at the work needed to complete the footwear.
Roughly 3 months later, we send you the completed shoes or boots for you to wear. Of course, we will any adjustments required aftrewards.
This service typically adds around £200 sterling to the cost of the order.